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Solar Power Generator

Be on the lookout for our custom battery backup solar power generators. Hand crafted and specially designed to run your most important household appliances in case of a power outage. Portable units are available now. Take them to the camp, to the park or to the beach - power anywhere you go.


  • Can be built as a self-contained mobile unit on wheels. Take it to your campsite, your fishing shanty, your hunting camp, your backyard party. Will run your house for 24 hours before it needs a recharge. What an extra battery pack you could run for days.

  • Can be built to spec with upgradeable modulea and installed permanently in to your home electrical system. With auto switchers for seamless battery swapping.

  • Can be built as a self-contained mobile unit on wheels. Take it to your campsite, your fishing shanty, your hunting camp, your backyard party. Will run your house for 24 hours before it needs a recharge. What an extra battery pack you could run for days.

  • They don’t cost any money operate or to keep charged or to recharge. When they run they are silent. Can run the refrigerator and the furnace and some lights for a full day. With an extra battery pack you can go for days before you would need to unplug and fully recharge both packs.


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